About Us

The National Guard Association of Illinois (NGAI) is a mission critical asset to the Illinois National Guard.  Take a look inside!

What is NGAI?

NGAI is a mission essential element that works to support the Illinois National Guard through legislative action, advocacy, providing life insurance to soldiers, lobbying for all the Illinois Guard’s needs and more.

Watch our video for a full introduction into your National Guard Association of Illinois.


To serve as the Illinois National Guard’s strongest advocate for promoting the highest levels of readiness, modernization and quality of life for our family.


Advocate and Represent all Members and Families of the Illinois National Guard; Past, Present, and Future.

What We Do

  • Member organization for the Soldiers, Airmen and Families of the Illinois National Guard.
  • State Sponsored Life Insurance Program (SSLI) providing outstanding benefit to members AND families not available through SGLI.
  • Free $10,000 one year life insurance to all new members of ILNG (at soldier/airman option).
  • Advocate within the state and nationally to promote those issues which will enhance the combat readiness of the ILNG.
  • Care for the well being of the ILNG soldiers and airmen and their families.
  • Successful in lobbying for dozens of benefits such as enlistment bonuses, upgrades to weapon systems and equipment, tax exempt state drill pay as well as AGR pay, most notably the 100% college tuition to any state funded school, and many more.
  • Fully supports the advocacy of NGAUS and EANGUS at the National level.
  • Member organization operated by service members, for service members.

Governance & Reports

Six-teen elected members serve on the NGAI Board of Directors and provide oversight and governance to the association. They speak for each Brigade statewide. Retired guardsmen, company grade and warrant officers are all represented. NGAI Bylaws state principles and guidelines for the operation of the association.

NGAI Branding

The NGAI logo represents our association and it is important that our state associations, partners and affiliates use the logo and seal in accordance with the NGAI style guide. For questions about use and file types, please contact us at contact@ngai.com.

NGAI Branding Guidlines